
Professional coaching is becoming an ever increasingly important component of a consulting practice.  The approach is simple and very beneficial for the client.  It provides a non-biased atmosphere where the total focus is on you, what you want in your life, and the building blocks that will allow you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Coaching is a powerful relationship that is built on total trust for people making important changes in their lives.  The approach is co-active, using the four cornerstones co-active coaching as the foundation of the relationship, those being:

1.  The client is creative, resourceful and whole.

2.  The approach addresses the client's whole life.

3.  The client sets the agenda.

4.  The relationship provides a designed alliance between the client and the coach.

 Coaching as a business tool for the executive allows them to increase their habit of focus in many areas and provides them with outside input to increase their daily performance and business abilities that run parallel to their personal goals and aspirations.  Among the areas of specific focus are:

  • Establishing a direction.

  • Aligning people and talents.

  • Organizational skill sets.

  • Planning and budgeting.

  • Controlled problem solving.

  • Motivational skills and tactics.

  • Dealing with and promoting change.

  • Consistently producing key results

  • Stability within the business model.

Together, as coach and client, the seemingly impossible will become possible.  The coaching process takes place over time and demands a commitment from both the client and the coach.  The emphasis is on action, what gets done, how the process is handled, and what is next in the client's life. We look forward to discussing the opportunities that await you and your business by having your own professional coach.